Stephen Fitzpatrick

Stephen Fitzpatrick
Stephen Fitzpatrick joined SaskCentral on September 15, 2021 as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Risk Officer and was appointed to the CEO role on April 15, 2023.
Stephen brings to the CEO role remarkable expertise in finance & treasury and payments, as well as significant credit union system experience, all of which aligns with SaskCentral’s vision to be a trusted and effective partner that Saskatchewan credit unions count on to enable liquidity management services and access to payment ecosystems by 2024.
Stephen also has a proven reputation and experience in strategy design and execution, which will be instrumental to the organization’s completing its strategic agenda and putting in place a new strategic plan, ensuring SaskCentral is positioned operationally for the benefit of the Saskatchewan credit union system now and into the future.
Stephen came to SaskCentral with extensive experience and knowledge as a Chief Financial Officer within the financial services industry and the credit union sector. This includes his tenure as CFO at Capital Planning Solutions Inc., CFO & VP Corporate Services at the Canadian Credit Union Association (formerly CUCC), and as CFO at publicly held Currency Exchange International, Corp. and its wholly owned subsidiary Exchange Bank of Canada.
Stephen also has extensive experience working with regulators and boards, including as Director at Interac Association/ACDsee’s Corporation, and Vice Chair at Concentra Bank. He has also served on various board committees, including audit & conduct, HR, compensation, & structuring, and the Payments Canada Member Advisory Committee.
Stephen holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Western Ontario and has attained both his Chartered Professional Accountant (CGA) designation and his ICD.D designation.